Asynchronous Learning

Synchronous learning, also called “live learning,” occurs for every learner at the same time and in the same setting, often led by an instructor. By contrast, asynchronous learning occurs at each student’s self-directed pace, aided by technological course delivery and unrestricted by the conventional classroom model.

Asynchronous learning, also known as e-learning or learning on-demand, has profitable implications for the modern workplace, especially within the paradigms of a post-COVID economy. Continue reading to learn how the principles of asynchronous learning can be used to increase productivity and encourage scaling in the modern workplace.

The State of the Workplace

In the last few years, the landscape of employee expectations has dramatically changed. The COVID-19 lock down has capitalized on trends that were already present in the modern workplace, including a desire for more versatility in work environments and more freedom over learning. The rise in demand for remote and hybrid work options is evidence of these changes.

Regardless of the pandemic or the modern employee’s expectations for their work, all workers must remain up to date on their company training. The increased demand for flexibility in work options means that employers need to create more flexible training and development programs to match.

Examples of this flexibility include asynchronous learning processes that give employees control over their learning materials. They can not only learn needed skills for their jobs and upskill in their industries, but they can also do it at their own pace, which research has shown improves an employee’s skill retention and productivity.

What is Asynchronous Learning?

Asynchronous learning is learning that unlike conventional instructional learning does not take place in real time. Instead, it is self-paced, dictated by the restrictions of the chosen learning method. In the context of the modern workplace, asynchronous learning can occur on a company’s website, forum, communication app, email, or dedicated learning management system (LMS).

Benefits of Asynchronous Learning

Asynchronous learning has several benefits. Since employees dictate the pacing of their learning, it fulfills the rising trend in flexibility and individualization that helps companies attract and retain skilled workers.

It also increases the possibility of collaboration since projects are no longer restricted to the office setting. Employees can collaborate anywhere, with an increased emphasis on flexible project management.

Additionally, asynchronous learning can easily be scaled. The same content can be reused without needing to rehire instructors or change venues. It can be used to teach hundreds of employees as efficiently as a few, saving money on instruction time as well as instructors.

How a Training and Development Program Can Incorporate Asynchronous Learning to Address Employee Needs 

Unlike a regular learning course, a training and development program like an LMS can be accessed by employees outside of working hours. The material it contains could include webinars, training videos, reading materials, and more. An LMS also centralizes the content for all employees, promoting easy access for any number of workers, including on mobile devices. LMS material can also easily be changed after reviewing performance results in internal reports or after a change in company policy.

An LMS like Qbic offers employers in a post-COVID economy the chance to give employees the flexibility they desire from company learning materials while organizing everything in one place. This not only makes learning more efficient, but it also saves companies time and money by avoiding the costly conventional education procedures that have remained unchanged for decades.

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